(See information in English below )
Det nordiska sakprosanätverket, som varit verksamt sedan 2017, planerar ett temanummer om sakprosa i tidskriften Text & Talk och inledande förhandlingar ger oss goda förhoppningar om att ett sådant kan bli verklighet. Vi söker nu bidrag till detta temanummer i form av artiklar som tydligt anknyter till den nordiska sakprosaforskningens tradition, (se t.ex. tidskriften Sakprosa). Efter de stora sakprosa-projekten i Sverige och Norge har sakprosa fortsatt att vara ett samlande och konstruktivt begrepp i Norge, medan det nästan fallit ur bruk i Sverige, där begrepp som text, diskurs och praktik blivit viktigare. I Danmark har sakprosaforskningen alltid varit perifer, men enstaka miljöer har under de senaste åren visat intresse för den svenska och norska forskningen och nu tas initiativ till sakprosaprojekt. I Finland finns sedan några år en professur i sakprosa, och därifrån kom ursprungligen initiativet till det nordiska sakprosanätverket .
Du som är intresserad av att medverka är välkommen med ett abstract senast den 30 juni 2020. Abstract, som ska skrivas på engelska, får vara max 400 ord långt. Skicka ditt abstract till redaktionen för tidskriften Sakprosa på adressen merete.pettersen@nulliln.uio.no. Vi siktar på den 15 mars 2021 som tidsfrist för artiklarna.
Planerade bidrag
Per Ledin & Kjell Lars Berge: Tekstbegrepet relatert til sakprosaforskningen
Pirjo Hiidenmaa: Om lesere og lesning av sakprosa innen den litterære institusjonen
Johan Tønnesson: Sakprosabegrepets historie og potensial
Anders Johansen: Sakprosa, retorikk og myndiggjøring
Jack Andersen: Sakprosa i en digital verden
Christina Mathiessen: Undervisning i sagprosa fra et retorisk perspektiv
Gøril Hammerstad Thommassen: Sakprosa som ramme og ressurs i profesjonell kommunikasjon
Sprid gärna denna inbjudan!
Eventuella frågor besvaras av Johan Tønnesson (johan.tonnesson@nulliln.uio.no) eller Catharina
Nyström Höög (cnh@nulldu.se)
This is an open call for a planned special issue of the well-reputed journal Text & Talk, focussing on nonfictional prose (Swe. sakprosa). The initiative behind the special issue comes from the Nordic network for non-fictional prose. We are inviting articles with a clear focus on non-fictional prose, preferably situated in the Nordic or Scandinavian setting. Earlier and contemporary Nordic research on non-fictional prose can be found for example in the journal Sakprosa, whose editorial board will also take part in the editorial activities for this special issue of Text & Talk.
Two large research projects on non-fictional prose in Sweden (which started in the 1990s) and in Norway (started 2000) have established the term non-fictional prose as a much needed and often used, constructive concept in the Norwegian research tradition, while it has fallen almost into neglect in Sweden, where concepts like text, discourse and practice have become more established and foregrounded. In Denmark, research on non-fictional prose has always been marginal, but specific research environments have recently started to express their interest. In Finland, a professorship for research on non-fictional prose was established in 2015, and it was a Finnish initiative that led to the formation of the Nordic network for non-fictional prose, where researchers from the four Nordic countries have so far organized four workshops on different aspects of non-fictional prose.
If you are interested in contributing an article, you are welcome to submit an abstract of a maximum of 400 words no later than June 30, 2020. Send your abstract to the editiorial staff of Sakprosa: merete.pettersen@nulliln.uio.no. We aim for March 15, 2021 as the deadline for the articles.
Planned contributions
Per Ledin & Kjell Lars Berge: The text concept in non-fiction research
Pirjo Hiidenmaa: Readers and reading of literary non-fiction
Johan Tønnesson: The history and potential of the Nordic concept ”Sakprosa” (nonfiction/factual prose)
Anders Johansen: Non-fiction, rhetoric and empowerment
Jack Andersen: Non-fiction in a digital world
Christina Mathiessen: The teaching of non-fiction from a rhetorical perspective
Gøril Hammerstad Thommassen: «Sakprosa»/ (non-fiction/factual prose) as a framework and resource in professional communication
You are welcome to send this invitation to anyone you might think would be interested in contributing. Questions and comments can be directed to Johan Tønnesson (johan.tonnesson@nulliln.uio.no) or Catharina Nyström Höög (cnh@nulldu.se).