Deltakere i prosjektmiljøet Norsk sakprosa har bidratt i boka Academic Discourse. Multidisciplinary Approaches på Novus Forlag i 2003:
Kjersti Fløttum, François Rastier (eds.): Academic Discourse Multidisciplinary Approaches
This book represents the outcome of a seminar on academic discourse, jointly organised by the Norwegian project Cultural Identity in Academic Prose (KIAP) and Centre de coopération franco-norvégienne en sciences sociales et humaines, in Paris in February 2003. The title of the seminar, Academic discourse: multidisciplinary approaches, reflects the aim of the participants to present and discuss various ways of dealing with the issue of academic discourse.
The three different research groups that participated at the seminar, l’Equipe Sémantique des Textes (Paris), the KIAP project (Bergen) and Prosjektmiljøet Norsk Sakprosa (Oslo), represent three complementary approaches to academic discourse. Their contributions will provide readers with valuable insights into a field with long research traditions, but also one which at present is benefiting from new advances in computer technology. Different genres are represented in the book, and different languages (English, French and Norwegian) as well as different disciplines (philosophy, history, linguistics, economics, medicine and natural science) are studied.
Contributors: Kjell Lars Berge, Trine Dahl, Karl Henrik Flyum, Kjersti Fløttum, Erik Knain, Sylvain Loiseau, Céline Poudat, François Rastier, Johan Laurits Tønnesson, Arild Utaker, Mathieu Valette.
Boka er kommet til i samarbeid med forskningsprosjektet Kulturell identitet i akademisk prosa (KIAP). Det prosjektlederen for KIAP, Kjersti Fløttum, som har redigert boka sammen med med franske språkforskeren François Rastier.